Friday, January 20, 2012

Inhabited Planets

There are three racial planets (Earth, Caudon, and Barto), and three multi-racial planets (Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor).  Racial planets are inhabited solely by their native race, while multi-racial planets host  all of The Conscientious.

In the Milky Way Galaxy, Sun Solar System

In the Sumartic Galaxy, Sandorian Solar System
The planet's centre is mostly magmatic, and it's four continents are results of four massive volcanoes, the epicenters of which are strictly forbidden.  There are no oceans, but an intricate system of rivers and streams along which colonies of Cauda live that separate the continents.

In the Multine Galaxy, Bulta Solar System
It has only two continents.  One just south of the equator and is approximately 7,000 from east to west and 750 miles north to south.  The other is about the size, location, and climate of Russia.

In the Comundt Galaxy, Prima Solar System
This is the most populated planet in which the Conscientious live.  It is a very large planet, approximately five times the size of Earth.  Like Earth, it is seventy-percent water.  There are eighteen continents and ten distinct oceans. It is the largest habitable planet that has been covered.

In the Comundt Galaxy, Scirdose Solar System
Infants are sent here from Pelaegron directly after birth in order to be educated.  Children of Pelaegron are not raised by their parents.  Its four continents are delegated different levels of learning: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Trade.  Students advance through the levels on their own pace, determined partly by race.  Humans spend an average of fifteen to twenty of their first years in Luxor.  Brevidians take only five to seven years.  Caudas take at least twenty years because they have a slower rate of growth, often not fully maturing for upwards of thirty years.

In the Comundt Galaxy, Ignys Solar System
Auxor is where all offenses against the Canon on Pelaegron are tried and sentenced.  There are three departments (violence, theft, and deceit) and three levels of infraction (mundane, minor, and criminal).   Luxor disciplines its own citizens for mundane and minor infractions but transports them to Auxor for crime.

The Conscientious

The Conscientious are those with the capacity to abide by an agreed-upon universal concept of morality (the Canon). 

The primary Conscientious races are:
Humans of  Earth, Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor
Caudas of Caudon, Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor
Brevidians of Barto, Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor
Majiks (They are nomadic and have no home planet)

Self-explanatory.  Literally.

Caudas are similar to humans except they have tails, much longer limbs, and elfish ears.  They are the stewards of nature and sustain balance between The Conscientious and the planets they abide in.  They live extremely long lives (up to 500 years), but each Cauda can only reproduce twice.

Brevidians are tech-savvy halflings and the source of 90% technological advancements.  Their brains are extremely evolved. They have photographic memories and do not require sleep.  They mature at the age of ten, but only live an average of 35 years.

Majiks are rare mutations of the primary Conscientious races with certain paranormal abilities of manipulation (biological, time, space, reality) and often extrasensory perception.  They are extremely rare and most live silently in un-inhabitable planets across the universe.  Their lifespan is undetermined, but many are immortal.  They created and maintain the Canon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


In her critical observance of her parent's religion, Chuck Moliere epiphanized a notion that would launch her into maturity as an intergalactically-recognized citizen.  

The essence of consciousness is the universal need to distinguish the parameters of morality in order to sustain individual sovereignty.  Accepted distinction of right and wrong is fundamental to free decision.  Objective, axiomatic moral statute is requisite to the functionality of global civility.  Conscience concludes morality, but it is relative.  Innate conscience is objective, but over time it is molded by individual circumstance.  Individual perception of an Ultimacy becomes the external criterion upon which an individual justifies his/her judgements of right and wrong.  Ultimacy is the fundamental fountainhead from which all existence is contrived.  Religion is the mythic/ritualistic means to substantiate the relationship between individual consciousness and a perceived Ultimacy.  The need to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient embodiment of existence is derivative from the struggle to establish universal morality.