Friday, January 20, 2012

The Conscientious

The Conscientious are those with the capacity to abide by an agreed-upon universal concept of morality (the Canon). 

The primary Conscientious races are:
Humans of  Earth, Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor
Caudas of Caudon, Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor
Brevidians of Barto, Pelaegron, Luxor, and Auxor
Majiks (They are nomadic and have no home planet)

Self-explanatory.  Literally.

Caudas are similar to humans except they have tails, much longer limbs, and elfish ears.  They are the stewards of nature and sustain balance between The Conscientious and the planets they abide in.  They live extremely long lives (up to 500 years), but each Cauda can only reproduce twice.

Brevidians are tech-savvy halflings and the source of 90% technological advancements.  Their brains are extremely evolved. They have photographic memories and do not require sleep.  They mature at the age of ten, but only live an average of 35 years.

Majiks are rare mutations of the primary Conscientious races with certain paranormal abilities of manipulation (biological, time, space, reality) and often extrasensory perception.  They are extremely rare and most live silently in un-inhabitable planets across the universe.  Their lifespan is undetermined, but many are immortal.  They created and maintain the Canon.

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